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Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sunday Evening Cartoon

It may not be Saturday, but when you have swag, you choose the day of the week. And I'm gonna go ahead and give you the Saturday Morning Cartoon on a Sunday, because I couldn't finish posting it yesterday morning (or evening) as initially planned. So now this might be the best part of your Sunday routine since it won't solely involve preparing for a brutal monday (sorry I just reminded you).
And look at that! Two posts in less than eight weeks? Has something happened to me? Laziness to do my other work? Possibly. An invigorated determination to make people more aware musically and brighten their audio-lives and visual desires? Perhaps.
No matter the reason, this should do the trick in satisfying whatever thirst you had when coming upon this page.
Shabam - Shinichi Osawa for the masses!

(In my opinion, just a beautiful track with a fittingly beautiful accompanying video. A wide variety and range of sounds and tones in a decidedly cluttered but calculated way make this song a surrounding paradise of noise for you to enjoy your day with. At 2:23 when the bass kicks in I think my heart gets a little stronger due to its intense appreciation of life at that sound. Maybe exaggerating, or maybe it's just that good. Only one way to find out!)

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Keystone State of Mind

You guys have full reason to hate me since I haven't been posting at all recently, but mah people, I had midterms, and then I was on spring break in Cuba without internet! So it's not my fault if the swag hasn't been on point.
Also I've been working on a lot of shit on the side, but I'm still gonna start posting more often now, cause I gotchu like that. At least until my dropbox finally runs out of space. 
But, here's a song by Tayyib Ali (don't sleep on the kid) that I just heard, and is by far my favorite song of his and I think it's really dope. Peep the vid and then download the video rip below (and then of course the mixtape when it drops)!

(The beat is fantastic, the samples just sound great with the drums providing such a steady rhythm for him to flow upon, and flow he does, along with some great lyrics that really provide a look into what his path has been like so far. I appreciate his realness on this track 'cause most of the stuff he says is actually believable and not just macho head honcho blabber unlike what we usually hear in rap. And for that realness, the steady flow and great instrumental this track is great, end of story.)