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Sunday, July 11, 2010

You're Oh Trippin... Eurotrippin

So since July 12th I've been on a Eurotrip and am located in Barcelona right now where I finally have some wi-fi, pretty dope stuff, and I decided I'd finish and upload the post I had been meaning to from even before Eurotrip, it's fairly random but listen, download, and enjoy.

To start, you absolutely HAVE to watch the Gorillaz' "On Melancholy Hill" Video because it is doper than dope, and sicker than sickness, and this song has been one of the crew's main anthems for this summer. Wouldn't let me embed the vid so just click the link to avoid the stink.
(And here's the download/play link for the song, hit it up)

Titty Team Tom Spotlight
These following two songs were shown to me by my good friend and fellow member of the DJ duo Titty Team (T.T. Team, Theo Tom Team) a good while back, so check it out.
(The video of these guys going to work is above, and they're absolutely ridiculous, check out the video and then download the song if you want a bouncing moving track that will change and put a funky twist on wherever you are)

(This song is a CLASSIC, I tell you, a classic. I heard it way back last year and it's remained one of my favorite songs of this genre, what the genre is I'm not exactly sure but it's some kind of groovy lovalova music)

(Speaking of groovy lovalova music... In case you forgot about this song and don't have it on your itunes, step yo' shit up and get it right now, it's nostalgia in a 4 minute eardrum seduction, Shaggy has a flow like no other)

Rock-ish Stuff
(Pretty catchy song yo! It'll come in handy for ear pleasuring at some point, I assure you, actually I take that back in case you're a hardcore metalhead or raphead)

(This song is my favorite song by Kings of Leon and is just ill, no question about it, one of the best tracks in this post)

(And since I just posted a K.o.L. song, here's a RePost of the "Use Somebody" remix which is redunkulous)

Dance Dance Dance
(This song is huge everywhere and plays at every club at least once, in Berlin and in Barcelona so far. This is a good remix of it)

(The other day I was walking around at night and this came up on shuffle, instant classic in my opinion, it's just a spring and puts bounce in even the most swaggerless person)

(Pretty fresh stuff, no pun intended, a good Drum n Bass song and the video makes me want to learn how to jump rope, no lie, just wait til' the two crazy girls join in)

(Downloaded the original 'cause my scholastic peer and friend DeceptiKahn, aka Weenie sent me this remix in a message, it's raw and it'll hit you, your ears might complain later because they're too weak fo' this shit)

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