So yesterday, July 7th, was my 18th birthday, and during some of the festivities of the night (and during most of it) me, or one of my musically inclined friends (Max, or Caveman of Ravemen) would be DJing some sort of music.
For a brief stint, this DJing was recorded so I'm just going to post the only recorded segment of the night.
Kind of rough sounding and it starts off sketch, but gets better.
(I'm telling you, "I Think I Like It" is the track of the summer, impossible not to like.
That, as well as every other song in the mix I think, has already been posted so you can download it somewhere here if you want, or hit me up for it.)
Also, so as not to only post a rough sounding song, here are various other songs that come to mind...
(Just some catchy hype dance song)
(Aptly titled, that's all I have to say. But I'll also say that the drums and rhythm throughout the entire song is what makes it so special for me, and the drumroll trickling in at 3:30 is dope)
Song of the Tay (aka Day)!
(One of the catchiest and best put together songs in my opinion)
And that's all folks! (Dubstep post still to come)
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