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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Havoc Inducer

Everyone's talking about Dubstep! And since I've already done an earlier post with my thoughts on the matter, now I'm just going to shove forward a heavy dub track that should make your life better if you do in fact like dubstep as much as you say you do!
And if you don't like dubstep, here's another chance to change your mind, with one of the rawest tracks my ears have been graced with.
^ Why? Because anteaters don't get enough love, and neither does bass, until now.

(In my opinion this is one of the best drops, just because for me at least it was unexpectedly dirty and raw immediately from the get go, I might have just ruined that surprise for you, but I still think there's a good chance I didn't because it's so hard hitting even after I've heard it so many times. Favorite part? The 'HEY!' right before drop, very classic. Very jurassic. Why the dinosaur reference? Because dinosaurs are raw and so is this song)

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