I understand it's the middle of the school week, I understand you may be tired from the past two days, and scared of having to deal with the last two days.
Since I understand this, I'm going to help you out by knocking your face off with some serious shit.
Personally I've always liked wednesdays alot because there's a sense that you're finally hitting the end of the week.
but first, remember to apologize to your earamps beforehand.
Get Your Best Fucking Speakers Out (or headphones!)
(This is fresh as hell, if you like dubstep, you'll like this, if you don't like dubstep, this can start it off. Smooth, lovely vocals, accompanied by a tough powerful bass)
(Ima miss Highschool Art Class. This shown to me by my box Max - Gold Team founding father and Norwegian instructor. Fresh shit, second drop is glorious at about 2:43, say goodbye to your face, it's getting melted)
And so you have something to listen to that won't wreck your face with a Bassgasm, here's something I had to post:
/\ Is it just me or is he a slight Justin Timerblake lookalike? Eh. Disapproved!
(It's fresh, but as soon as you listen to the song you'll realize he thinks you're cooler than him, nice! Catchy shit!)